funny things on instagram
We decided to collect different instagram pages that made us laugh a little louder and made our days a little brighter. Just fun to look at, or an exciting little project to participate! Some are challenges that you can join to get a creative and a little crazy. Perfect to make the next weeks at home just a bit better, instead of bitter.
Tussen Kunst & Quarantaine (in between arts and quarantine)
“For everyone at home who needs some relief. Some homemade art”
This instapage has some real works of art! People go all out to recreate a painting in real life. Hilarious.
Check them out, or join the artistic side by following these next steps:
Pic your artwork
Use 3 items in your home
#isolationchair challenge
Max Enrich is a Barcelona based designer that came up with this challenge. He had the idea already some time ago, so you can use this hashtag to enjoy a slideshow of homemade little, or big, chairs. He got inspired since you can represent a chair with almost anything, at least the idea of a chair. Most aren’t really sitable, but that’s not the point, it’s about having fun and getting creative - and they are so cute anyway.
Sight unseen followed his idea and encouraged their followers to join his challenge.
If you want to participate, tag them both and use the hashtag #isolationchair
“Visiting dear friends from a safe distance during covid-19.”
Since physical contact is not allowed, and even dangerous, we can’t meet up with our friends. The only way to see them in real life is while safe guarding a distance, with the walls of their house for example. Many people visit their dearest like this. The closer distance instapage decided to share pictures of these visits, with a little story behind it. A reminder how we’re all in this together.
Next time you pass your friends when they are standing on their balcony, or hanging out of the window, take a picture, and use the hashtags #closerdistance and #socialdistancing.
Blijf in uw kot (stay at home)
An instapage with daily inspiration for random useful, but useless activities. Funny things!
Feel free to tag them if you decided to do one of their suggestions and end up capturing it.