talking stress

Schermafbeelding 2021-01-25 om 17.30.42.png

ok, let’s talk about it. we feel it, we all do. all that time stuck at home, all those numbers and headliners. and you heard it “don’t listen too much news, just be informed.” which is announced on the news, ironically. but what is not too much? one of the many questions and uncertainties that pass our minds. it can cause a lot of stress and anxiety. everyone might be experiencing it on a different level, for different reasons. but talking about it and sharing insights, can speak to everyone. 

we got inspired by coralie legrand, she’s a graphic designer and posted the illustration above with some of her personal tips to “keep your head clear and mental energy up”. 

here are hers: 

  • yoga, @headspace

  • small dance parties with @thegardensofbabylon

  • walks in the sun, riding her bike 

  • her amazing roommate (who happens to be great for reference pictures for her illustrations)

we follow you, coralie! here are some of our tips:

  • taking long hot baths

  • writing our thoughts down

  • getting personal daily quotes from @costarastrology

  • listening to podcasts (we like el tarangu and bob)

we’d love to hear what yours are!

find her on instagram for more inspiration and illustrations.


coffee crazy


not just work tunes